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Flea, Tick & Insect Control

Flea, Tick & Insect Control

Tusculum Feed Centers is Middle Tennessee’s headquarters for insect control. We carry a full line of flea & tick products that include veterinary strength flea drops such as Frontline & Advantix. Tusculum Feed Center also carries flea & tick sprays, shampoos, dips and powder for the pet.

To treat the premises where the pet lives, we carry concentrate liquid permethrin, foggers, granules, and aerosol sprays. Tusculum Feed Center carries insecticides to control ants, bedbugs, roaches, wasps, hornets, flies and many other insects that invade your home, yard and garden.

Tusculum Feed also carries all natural insect control such as diatomaceous earth, cedar oil, & marigold spray.


Adams Flea & Tick Products Advantix
Farnham Fly Spray Mosquito Control
Bengal Roach Spray Malathion
JT Eaton Bed Bug Spray Boric Acid
Sevin Dust Natural Chemistry
Permethrin 10% Happy Jack Flea Dip
Diatomaceous Earth Bio Spot Treatment
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